Write About Dragons?

I am taking part in a terrific writing class which is on-line and free. It’s called Write About Dragons. It’s taught by Brandon Sanderson who recently won two Hugo awards. Brandon has tons of knowledge to share and an excellent style of teaching. I hope some of you will join me in taking this class.

The measly 3,000-4,000 words I’ve posted for the forum is nowhere near the number I need. But, in my defense, these post are in addition to putting together a non-fiction book, managing  Owensboro Writers Group and editing a short story for the growing writers’ group (see “Owensboro Writers’ Group is famous“). My posts are science-fiction and fantasy. You can see them at http://searchfordragons.com/?a_id=444&author_name=TheresaJewel, but I don’t know if you can read or critique them without joining the forum. If you do read and/or critique them, please comment below.

Owensboro Writers’ Group is famous.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned Owensboro Writers’ Group on this blog before, but it’s my baby and OWG (for short) made a splash in the local newspaper on July 7, 2013. If you live in or around Owensboro, Kentucky, you may have read our story in the LifeStyles section of the Messenger-Inquirer.

Owensboro, KY is better known for its BBQ Festival in May and the tremendous effort they have put into rebuilding the riverfront. But, Owensboro Writers’ Group is for writing, critiquing, sharing links and information, and general discussion concerning the multiple aspects of writing. I formed the group after I couldn’t find another writers’ group that satisfied my desire to meet every month. Our first meeting was in March 2008 and consisted of me and a couple of friends from the church I attend (UUCO).

Over the last five years we have grown from having several meetings where I was the only person to show up to having ten people twice in three months. We started At Books-A-Million, moved to Shoney’s Restaurant and now meet in the Public Meeting Room of the Daviess County Public Library.

In September 2010, my friend Suzanne Gochenouer started our website, Owensboro Writers Group with Writing On The River. A few months later, I started an Owensboro Writers Facebook page so that group members can share links there in addition to sending them out in emails or telling us in person.

Now, some people may wonder why it took me a week to write and post this. The previous paragraphs were written on the same day, but then I thought, I shouldn’t put this on my blog.I’m just bragging. I argued with myself for the entire week, but that didn’t stop me from posting it on our Facebook page (see above).

After a total of four new writers contacted me this week and all of them want to join Owensboro Writers’ Group, I decided I should post this. If you think I’m bragging, that’s okay. Maybe, just maybe, I have a right to brag. After all, I manage this group and with a little help, I kept it going for five years. The group has grown from three people to about twenty-seven. I hope it will keep going and growing for years to come.

English: Crowd during the Owensboro BBQ Festival.

English: Crowd during the Owensboro BBQ Festival. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)